
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Teachers Day

I would like to wish Happy Teachers Day to all teachers in Malaysia and Indonesia! Thanks for providing us with useful knowledge, especially my mom and dad. Thanks for being a great teacher for your children, Abg, Amad, Ara ( ME ), Aya and Ameek! Love you mom, dad!

Not least, to my partner ( K.Azah da big boss, K. Tinie, Eida, Myza, Siti, Azie and Rosz..(^__^) ) when i became a teacher in Briliant Kindy last year. Thanks for always providing useful guidance to me. You guys are the best gift for me and I really love you guys!Justify FullAnd most do not forget, my teacher in MATRI & TUNAZ. Teachers that always helped me in preaching Islam and education as well. I really love all my teachers with all my heart!

Work as a teacher is not easy as we see now . I have experience as a teacher . Seriously, being a teacher is not easy, but all will be happy when seeing his / her students succeed in their studies.

So, we as a student, must study hard for not disappointing our teacher. Remember, they are important in the life of a third person after Allah and the Messenger, and Parents.

I miss the time of my school days..i miss everything about school so much! If time can turn back, i'll...................but that all impossible at all.. ;(

" Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim..Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, KAU berkatilah guru - guru ku yang telah mendidik ku dari kecil hingga dewasa..KAU kurniakanlah kesihatan, kesejahteraan dan keharmonian dalam hidup mereka yang telah mendidikku dan mengajarku erti kehidupan. Ya Allah, KAU satu - satu NYA tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan tiada tuhan melainkan Engkau. KAU ampunilah dosa - dosa guru - guru ku mahupun yang hidup ataupun yang telah menghadap MU. Ya Allah Yang Maha Pemurah, KAU limpahkan rezeki buat guru - guru kami Ya Allah dan KAU lindungilah mereka dari segala bahaya kerana Engkau Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Melindungi. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin... "

~really need your pray~

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